What They Said

Review of Shock and Awe by Kewesi Simon


Review of Stickmata by Dexter Miksch


Review of Stickmata by Nick Merchant


Review of Stickmata by John Atkinson



Brian Cannata


“I often speak about the new renaissance of the blade in the 21st century. The romance of the sword and the horror of the knife have once again captured the minds of modern people. For three days in April, 2018, I had the pleasure of attending a martial arts seminar unlike any other.”

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Dillon Beyer

“The Immersion Labs: Legacy of the Blade” was an absolutely unique training experience. Having this many high-level and diverse practitioners teaching and training together in a single place and time is unprecedented in my experience. Equally impressive is how smoothly and professionally the entire clinic ran, which is shocking given that this was just the first of a series. Maybe most impressive is that the Immersion Labs crew is continuing their efforts both in and out of the large-scale Lab format itself, and they stand poised to make a real impact on martial arts history and culture down the line. I can’t wait to see where the team takes it!"

Alan West

“The Legacy of the Blade by the Immersion Labs Foundation was an amazing experience. I met, worked with and learned from some amazingly talented people. It was tradition, artistry, and camaraderie, but also about having the knowledge, skills and, most of all, mindset to step in and counter uncertain and potentially violent situations. It was everything I love about the Martial Arts, and I am sad to be going back to my normal life now that the weekend is over.

Thanks to Mahipal Lunia and his crew for organizing it, I look forward to the next one.“

Josh Baier

“Brought to life by the revolutionary vision of Prof. Mahipal Lunia, The Legacy of the Blade marks the first of The Immersion Labs. This one-of-a-kind experiment was an eye-opening experience which, if properly absorbed, is more impactful than decades of training under one system. Coming from a background in firearms, I have sought out the way of the blade as a supplement to my overall training. My experience of the first Immersion Labs: The Legacy of the Blades was life changing, and has been very enlightening!”

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Uriel Peña

“Sharing my weekend with these amazing people and the whole Immersion Labs Foundation team was an experience of a lifetime. I was able to meet expert from across the world, as well as practitioner and enthusiasts from all over the country and some internationals as well. The labs emphasis on principle, principle, principle (SAFETY being of the utmost importance) was constantly in contention and never ignored. But it wasn’t all work without some fun! We ate together, conversed, shared stories, and contributed tidbits of knowledge aimed at expanding the bounds of practice. I gathered from our guests and attendees, that they are no nonsense people; the Foundation did a great job of selecting applicants in this respect. I feel it is because that Professor Lunia’s dedication and hardwork in coordinating the Lab without negative incident. It’s as if those that arrived left having become better people after immersing themselves with others who were there for similar reasons: to learn, share, and convive. Immersion Labs truly lives up to its creed by facilitating exploration, conceptualization, and integration”

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