The Immersion Labs
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When Sh*t Hits the Fan ...
When there is chaos and deep violence all around, what is one to do? To answer this question, we aim to examine several very different sources and extract core common principles from them. Join us on this one-of-a-kind experiential journey.
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of opening closed doors, connecting with hidden masters around the world, and bringing them together in one place and time for an unprecedented gathering, so that YOU can save "tens" of thousands of dollars, years of searching, and get the best learning experience.


Battlefield arts from India and Polynesia share their methods together. Experience various swords of old, ambush methods using Bandana & Knife, and the use of shark teeth in the battles of Hawaii.
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25% discount on the 4-part book set of the world's most comprehensive volume on stick arts
  • 2000+ pages
  • 1000+ pictures
  • 80 articles
  • 77 contributors
  • 60+ regions
"Incredible labor of love created by Mahipal and his team. No one has accomplished what he achieved in this comprehensive lenses of four books." - Tracy T.

"The sheer scope and breadth of the material is stunning." - Anonymous
One-time special offer only for in-person participants
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The Immersion Foundation was founded with the mission of reviving the study of hoplology, creating a global, inter-disciplinary network of practitioners and scholars, and kindling the spirit of adventure and contribution in the next generation.

All proceeds go to either support the artists or our various ongoing missions and projects.
